
How to Plan an Intervention

The whole purpose of an intervention is to help an individual with a problem – usually a substance abuse problem. Interventions are usually planned in order to ensure the person targeted can be helped with a specific problem in an organized and compassionate way. Planning an intervention for someone with an addiction can be done by using some effective tips.

Timing an Intervention

The timing of an intervention is critical. An intervention has a much better chance of success when the addict is approached while sober. Talking to a person who is high may not achieve the desired results. They are likely to be defensive and unreasonable when they are high. Look at their patterns of substance abuse -they may be able to give you an idea of when they are most likely to be sober. This is the time and date you should schedule the intervention. If the timing is off, you may end up doing more harm than good.

Choosing a Location

You should not hold an intervention just anywhere you think might work. You need to find a location that will be conducive to what you are doing. For example, you should avoid places with alcohol such as bars and pubs. Additionally, you should find a place that is peaceful and quiet, a place where your loved one is comfortable and won’t feel trapped. This is going to be a time when you and the people involved will need to talk for some time. A location that is private and intimate is best.

Who Should Participate 

When gathering the intervention group, the best thing to do is to contact the addict’s closest family members and friends. These are people he/she is more likely to be comfortable with when talking about his problems. Don’t invite anyone who might stir up feelings of anger or judgment- your loved one should be able to be open and honest among this group. The best people to be involved in an intervention are the people the addict trusts the most. These may be siblings, close school mates or work colleagues. These are crucial factors to consider when you are planning an intervention.

If your loved one is struggling with addiction, don’t wait to get the help. Recovery Care Partner provides professional intervention guidance so that your loved one can break free from the chains of addiction. Contact us today.