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How to Overcome Perfectionism in Recovery Education

Recovery education involves educating people about the different ways of recovering from addiction and alcoholism. 

It also involves being able to educate people on how to overcome perfectionism in recovery as it has become one of the key obstacles in overcoming addictions and alcoholism. 

What Is Perfectionism?

Perfectionism is a personality trait that can cause us to set standards for ourselves and others that are unrealistically high. Perfectionists often believe that if they or others don’t live up to the standard then their self-worth will be diminished. 

This can lead people who are perfectionists to become anxious, depressed, and even suicidal. Perfectionists also tend to have difficulty with emotions because they can be overwhelmed by them or feel shame about having them. 

People who struggle with perfectionism often show signs of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) as well which manifests itself as needing things done a certain way or needing things put in an order, symmetry, and organization. 

It’s common for these individuals to need everything in their life to be perfect and pleasing. They may have extreme emotional responses to criticism such as anger, resentment, defensiveness, or withdrawal. But this doesn’t need to be the case! 

Why Is It Harmful in Recovery Education?

Perfectionism is when you believe there’s only one right way of doing things. It’s not good because it often leads to feelings of never being good enough, and it can lead people to take risks they otherwise would avoid. 

It also makes it difficult for people with perfectionistic tendencies to cope with normal life stresses. In addition, perfectionists are less likely than non-perfectionists to seek help for emotional problems or mental illness. 

If you’re a perfectionist, here are some ways you can overcome your tendency: 

  • Ask yourself whether the expectations you have for yourself are realistic. What do other people think of your work? Do other people care about how perfect your work is? Do others know that you have high standards?
  • Recognize perfectionist thoughts. One of the first steps is recognizing perfectionist thoughts, and understanding that they’re just thoughts. The next step is to evaluate these thoughts: are they helpful or unhelpful?
  • Challenge perfectionist thinking. Once you’ve recognized your perfectionist thoughts, challenge them! For example, if you’re trying to write a report for your boss, and you think I’m not good enough, challenge that thought by asking yourself “What does ‘good enough’ mean?” 
  • You might decide that it means writing a report well enough so that your boss can understand what’s going on, but not necessarily in the best way possible. 
  • Accept imperfections. It helps to have faith in your ability but remember nobody is perfect. 
  • Learning a skill or trade is also an excellent way to overcome perfectionism in recovery. When you’re constantly faced with deadlines, challenges, and competition, it’s hard not to feel like everything needs to be done right now – which can lead back into addiction if you’re not careful.

How Can Recovery Education Help?

Recovery education is one of the most powerful tools in addiction treatment. After all, it’s what helps people become better informed about their condition, and educates them on the potential risks that come with addiction. Plus, it can teach you new coping skills and life skills so that you don’t have to turn back to your old habits. 

Don’t try to be perfect, just do your best. Acknowledging that you are trying is the first step to overcoming perfectionism. If a mistake is made, don’t dwell on it. 

Remember that perfection doesn’t exist; people make mistakes all the time. Feeling like you always have to do everything perfectly can sometimes lead to procrastination and lack of productivity, which will keep you from making progress on your goals and dreams. 

Contact Recovery Care Partner today to learn more about how you can overcome perfectionism while in addiction recovery!