Man grasping he head in a dark room - Cocaine withdrawal symptoms

Does Cocaine Addiction Cause Withdrawal Symptoms?

Cocaine addiction withdrawal symptoms, like any drug, are important to have awareness about. We are frequently asked this question:

“Does cocaine use cause withdrawal?”

The answer we have to this is slightly complicated. cocaine addiction withdrawal symptoms are unlike heroin, alcohol or benzodiazepine withdrawal. Cocaine has no visible physical withdrawal symptoms like the latter drugs, which can cause symptoms from vomiting and shaking to full blown grand mal seizures. The user experiences cocaine withdrawal symptoms when they cut down or quit taking the drug. This phenomenon is also known as crashing. The symptoms during a crash can range from mild to extreme (severe depression and cravings).

Cocaine use is far more prominent than many non-users would suspect. It’s reputation as a party drug is only one face of the casual usage that cocaine sees. Many users believe they are one of the few people experiencing issues with this drug only to turn to the internet for anonymity to search things such as “cocaine withdrawal reddit” in order to find solidarity. Those searching cocaine withdrawal reddit will come across numerous threads and posts from users detailing their experiences.

Common top threads are ones such as “I am a person in the throws of cocaine withdrawal, AMA (ask me anything)” or “I was secretly addicted to cocaine for 6 months, quit cold turkey”, “How do you stop cocaine addiction?” In the thread about stopping a cocaine addiction, users responses all followed a common refrain which was that the only solution was to stop and avoid triggers.

/u/Character-Bad6426 states: Delete all contacts to find it. Find your triggers and avoid avoid avoid. It’s taken me years but I finally don’t want it. I don’t go out anymore bc [sic] I can’t drink without wanting drugs. I’m finally ONE YEAR CLEAN. I still have temptation, but I control it… it doesn’t control me anymore

/u/Kaffy89 says: I have a friend that struggles with this and alcohol but part of his worry about stopping both is that he won’t go out anymore and have a social life. He also does coke to stay awake to continue to party and socialize so he’s been having a hard time balancing. Also 90% of his close friends and coworkers drink and/or do drugs so it’s hard for him to hang out with them without the temptation. But he really doesn’t want to just be at home constantly without any type of social life. The struggle is real.

The thread for cocaine withdrawal reddit has garnered approximately 109 comments of people chiming in with their experiences with cocaine addiction. While it is absolutely essential to receive advice or guidance from professionals that work in addiction treatment, it also helps to read real comments and stories from people who are struggling with the same thing you are. Not only does it help you in not feeling alone, but it can show you that it IS possible to get better and gain control over your addictions.

Symptoms Experienced During Cocaine Crash or Withdrawal

A cocaine crash occurs after a cocaine binge or period of long-term heavy cocaine use. The symptoms can last anywhere from as a short as a day to months (for heavy cocaine use).

Primary Cocaine Addiction Withdrawal Symptoms Include:

  • Depression
  • Suicidal thoughts in extreme cases
  • Fatigue
  • General malaise and disinterest in activities
  • Increased appetite
  • Vivid and unpleasant dreams
  • Slowing of activity
  • Cravings for cocaine
  • Agitation and restless behavior

Treatment for Cocaine Withdrawal Symptoms

Since there aren’t really any pronounced physical withdrawal symptoms, there aren’t any medications specifically designed for “cocaine withdrawal”. More often than not, insurance will not cover a detox visit strictly for cocaine as it usually isn’t medically necessary. That doesn’t mean treatment isn’t necessary, the patient just won’t need to detox under medical supervision unless they’ve been using other substance such as alcohol, opiates, or benzodiazepines. Some treatment centers will prescribe Clonidine for issues with blood pressure and agitation, and a non-narcotic medication such as Trazodone to help with sleep. Wellbutrin is also used from time to time for issues with depression, low energy, and cravings.

The real issue among cocaine addicts is the fact that over half of them have a co-occurring mental disorder. Providing the necessary treatment by use of different medications and cognitive behavioral therapy is usually provided in an inpatient or outpatient treatment center.

Just because cocaine doesn’t have any pronounced withdrawals, it doesn’t mean the dangers of cocaine addiction and withdrawal couldn’t be life threatening and/or dangerous. A cocaine overdose could speed the heart up to supraphysiologic levels and could lead to heart issues or even worse, a heart attack. Furthermore, the withdrawal could cause depression and in severe cases, suicidal thoughts. Suicidal ideation could become a life threatening issue and would require treatment immediately.

Cocaine Addiction Withdrawal Symptoms: There is a Way Out

If you are or someone you know are struggling with addiction, there is a way out. At Recovery Care Partner, we understand the delicate nature of planning an intervention and guiding a loved one toward recovery from active addiction. We offer a free, 30-minute pre-treatment consultation to help you make an informed decision on if our support is appropriate for your circumstances. Beyond that, we offer intervention services, post-treatment support, recovery care monitoring, transition coaching, and sober companions for intensive, discreet, and professional one-on-one support.

Speak with one of our qualified professionals today at 855-727-2887, email us at [email protected], or fill out our contact form online.