patiebt speaking with therapist

Case Management for Addiction Recovery

Navigating through life post-rehab is undoubtedly very stressful. Individuals will need to find a safe space to live and will need to employ the guidance of therapists and physicians to monitor their care. When this person becomes grounded in their sobriety, they will want to surround themselves with other, like-minded people who are reaching for the same goals. This is where case management for addiction recovery can help people overcome these challenging times in their lives. 

The Role of a Case Manager in your Treatment Process

The case manager is someone who monitors patients going through complex issues after the detox and rehab process. Case management for addiction recovery is a form of social work, but the actual position will not involve social work training. It instead focuses on a multitude of disciplines for helping patients get the services they need to remain healthy and sober. 

patiebt speaking with therapist

The Different Case Management Models

There are 4 basic kinds of case managers. They are, as follows:

#1- Broker/generalist

The broker/generalist will link their clients with appropriate services, as quickly as possible. Under this model, the case manager will offer very few direct services beyond the initial assessment. Yet, once the level of need has been determined, this case manager can then get referrals to a myriad of agencies (e.g., drug testing services, work training, housing). The broker/generalist model is typically used in high-volume settings like probation courts or hospitals. 

#2- Assertive community treatment

In this model of case management for addiction recovery, case managers will meet their clients in natural settings, such as a person’s home or somewhere else close by. The management style will focus on daily living needs like housing, income, assistance for children. Patients will meet with their case manager on a regular basis, and the budding relationship will focus on the long-term commitment to combating SUD’s and any co-occurring mental health ailments. 

#3- Strength-based perspective

The strength-based perspective seeks to develop a longer-term relationship between the patient and their case manager. The two work in tandem to create a treatment plan based on what that person believes are their strengths, focusing on treatment that builds upon those strengths.


The clinical/rehabilitation model involves the individual working with a case manager who provides integrated clinical treatments in addition to managing resources. Treatment can include therapy, counseling, developing skills, intervention, amongst many other services. 

What Case Managers can provide

Regardless of which model the case manager uses, they are still expected to provide six types of core competencies, especially in the rehabilitation setting. These include the following:

  • Screening and assessment
  • Brokering for resources
  • Creating case plans 
  • Determining eligibility for benefits 
  • Tracking progress
  • Recording case progress 

Administering Case Management for Addiction Recovery–Recovery Care Partner

When a person works closely with a case manager, it opens up an entire world of possibilities. With help from this professional, one may have an easier time in restructuring their lives, upon completion of a formal treatment program. If you or anyone else in your life is struggling with the transitional phases of addiction, recovery, and treatment, Recovery Care Partner can help you navigate through these complexities. Contact us today to learn more about our case management and other accompanying services.