mother showing concern for son who is looking out the window. Signs of drug use in children, concept image.

Top 5 Signs Your Child Might Be Using Drugs

Identifying signs of drug use in a children can be challenging since many signs can also be confused with normal adolescent behavior. However, certain changes in behavior, physical appearance, and social patterns can be cause for concern. It’s important to approach these observations with sensitivity and open communication. If you suspect your kid might be using drugs, consider the following signs.

1. Changes in Physical Appearance

Certain changes in physical appearance can sometimes be indicative of drug use in a child. Again, it’s important to note that these signs can also be attributed to several other factors. 

Bloodshot eyes can be a sign of marijuana use, while dilated pupils may be associated with stimulant drug use, such as cocaine or amphetamines. Changes in your child’s appetite and weight could occur with consistent drug use. Stimulant drugs can suppress your appetite leading to weight loss, while other substances such as marijuana could lead to increased appetite and result in weight gain. 

Intravenous drug use, like heroin or methamphetamine, can lead to skin-related issues, including track marks, infections, or an overall unhealthy appearance. Additionally, substances like methamphetamines can contribute to several dental issues, such as tooth decay and gum disease. 

2. Behavioral Changes

Behavioral changes are often among the most noticeable signs of potential drug use in a child. Sudden and extreme mood swings can be indicative of substance abuse. Your child could exhibit increased irritability, agitation, or heightened emotional sensitivity. A child who is using drugs may withdraw from family and friends, isolating themselves as they become more engrossed in their substance use. If your child resorts to lying about their whereabouts, activities, or the people they are spending time with, there could be reason for it. 

3. Financial Signs 

Unexplained requests for money or stealing money from family members could be a sign your child trying to buy drugs. On some occasions, they could be selling personal belongings to support their habit. Pay attention to frequent requests for money without any clear reasons.

4. Decline in Academic and Job Performance

If you see a noticeable decline in your child’s academic performance or interest in school, it could be a sign of drug use. Many drugs can impair cognitive function, affecting memory, concentration, and overall mental clarity. Certain substances can lead to a lack of motivation and interest in activities that were once important to them. This might manifest as a decline in effort put into schoolwork or job responsibilities.

5. Drug Paraphernalia

Discovery of drug paraphernalia is a clear and tangible sign that your child may be involved in drug use. Paraphernalia refers to any equipment, product, or material used in the preparation, consumption, or concealment of illegal drugs. Here are a few examples:

  • Smoking devices like bongs and pipes
  • Needles/syringes
  • Rolling papers
  • A scale for weighing drugs
  • Pill bottles

Professional Intervention with Recovery Care Partner

As a parent, it’s important to approach these changes with sensitivity and avoid jumping to conclusions. Many of these signs can also be attributed to other factors, such as stress, mental health issues, aging, or other lifestyle changes. Some physical changes may not be immediately visible, especially if a child is using substances discreetly.

If you notice concerning signs of drug use in your child, seek professional advice from the addiction specialists at Recovery Care Partner to better understand the situation and explore appropriate interventions or treatments. Please reach out to us at (855) 727-2887 for more information.