Supportive hand reaching for hand of one in need

Why Do You Need a Sober Companion in Recovery?

The journey of recovery from addiction can sometimes become too overwhelming to travel all by yourself. There will come a time when you need a helping hand or someone to talk to when your daily life struggles threaten your sobriety. This is why you need a sober companion during recovery. 

A sober companion, also known as a recovery companion, is a trained therapeutic coach that is capable of providing you with long-term or short-term support during recovery. 

They will accompany you throughout the day giving you the sense of stability and safety that you need when life becomes too overwhelming to handle on your own. Sober companions are trained professionals from different backgrounds including medical, social services, and inpatient or outpatient recovery centers. 

They have all the necessary skills to help you live a healthy sober life including medication management, rehabilitation, coaching, and personal assistance. 

What Are the Benefits of Having a Sober Companion?Supportive hand reaching for hand of one in need - sober companion concept image

A sober companion gives you the support and assistance that you need during the highly critical period after you leave a treatment program and embark on the difficult transition to daily life. 

A sober companion will be of great help during this trying time in the following ways: 

Sober Companionship

As you transition back to your daily life after completing the treatment program, you will need someone to offer you company. This is especially true if you live alone or have burned bridges with family and friends in your addiction days. 

It is important to understand that isolation is one of the leading causes of relapse, which is why you need a sober companion to help you overcome cravings and other triggers and keep you on track.

Preventing a Relapse

Simple companionship can make all the difference between remaining sober and relapsing. Your sober companion will ensure that you don’t have drugs, alcohol, and other items that could trigger a relapse in your home. 

Many sober companions are recovering addicts and have first-hand knowledge on relapse triggers and how to prevent them. 

Help You Regain Control of Your Life

A sober companion not only helps to protect you from temptations but also helps you to regain control of your life. 

They will help you relearn some of the basic things you had previously neglected or failed to learn such as budgeting, food preparation, and other basic life skills. 

They will help you learn important things that will help you live a more rewarding life. The sober companion is a friend providing you with emotional support to prevent relapse and keep you safe in your journey of recovery.

Get a Professional Sober Companion from Recovery Care Partner

Recovery Care Partner specializes in providing recovery counseling and intervention services. For those looking for sober companions in the Baltimore area, our recovery experts are here to help. Our goal is to assist people who are struggling with addiction and help them establish a sustainable recovery. 

Recovery Care Partner also offers sober companion services. If you are looking for a professional sober companion to help you maintain your newfound sobriety, call us today at +1 855-727-2887 or send us an email via [email protected] to schedule a consultation. 

You can also contact us online via our website to learn more about our services in Baltimore, Maryland, Virginia and the surrounding areas.