Person deep in thought - best addiction intervention environment concept image

Creating the Best Environment for an Intervention

For many people, one of the hardest battles they will face in life will not be against other people, but instead will be against their own addictions. Whether it’s alcohol, or something more sinister, it can be difficult coming to terms with, and in many cases, you will need a helping hand from your loved ones. For friends and family, staging an intervention may be the best way that you can guide your loved one away from the substance and back to reality. In this post we will look at how you can create the best addiction  intervention environment.

Interventions have been popularized by movies and TV shows in recent years, but often for the sake of comedy or drama. Speaking with any of our staff who provide intervention services VA, they are constantly fighting this misinformation around interventions and their portrayal on the silver screen. To aid in the planning of a successful intervention for your loved one, we have decided to look at the best practices for staging an intervention.

Your Relationship to Them

One thing we see in interventions on TV shows and movies that is correct is that they’re usually undertaken by people close to the person who is addicted. Often a collection of family members and friends, occasionally with a couple of colleagues who have worked alongside the individual. This reflects an important aspect of interventions, which is that they are private affairs that are emotionally taxing, and they shouldn’t have any unnecessary spectators.

So Who Should Come?

Keep the group of people holding the intervention small, and be sure to do plenty of planning with them beforehand. You should also consider contacting an interventionist well in advance to plan everything accordingly, as this will maximize the chances of success. If you’re looking for intervention services VA, go to our contact us page and call us today.

A Private Affair

Keeping with the theme of privacy that was mentioned above, you should also ensure the location is private and will remain uninterrupted throughout the intervention. It can be hard to find private spaces in some places, but try to avoid any form of hospitality as those venues are usually packed with triggers for those dealing with addiction.

It can also be triggering to be confronted in a familiar environment, especially if that environment has any memories which could be associated with the substance the addict is struggling with. Formal indoor environments will work best, you may consider renting some space at your local community center on a quiet day, otherwise a psychiatrist or interventionist office may be more suitable.

Remove All Triggers Prior to Creating the Addiction Intervention Environment

It may surprise you to find out that there are many kinds of triggers which can remind an addict about the substance they’re addicted to. When planning an intervention, especially in living spaces, it’s important to look around and think about what is visible in the room. The following should be removed from the environment:

  • All alcohol, cocktail glasses, posters depicting drinking or alcohol, and even any vinyls or CDs which contain music that romanticizes the use of alcohol.
  • All drugs and drug paraphernalia, as well as posters, CDs, and vinyls which may be associated with drug use
  • Anything which may become a distraction during the intervention such as vibrant posters and loud ticking clocks

 If you’re wondering whether or not something may be a trigger, simply imagine yourself in a frustrated or uncomfortable state and look around the room at what might agitate you.

Timing is Key

A common problem we hear about in the industry of intervention services VA is that the individual responded well to the intervention then immediately relapsed. This usually occurs when they’re still high or drunk on whatever substance, and the message hasn’t quite come through.

 Instead you should find a some time during which they are sober, or as close as possible. This could be mid-morning for some, or mid-afternoon for others, generally you will know what time of day they are least affected.

While the Iron is Hot

Some intervention specialists have pointed out that the time around significant drug-related (or alcohol-related) events is best, as the person may already be considering recovery. A classic example of this may be just after they are convicted of a Driving Under the Influence (or similar) charge. While this may also seem like the most stressful time, it can help to have a real life situation to relate back to, and to look at how recovery may help them to avoid similar situations in the future.

Finding the Best Addiction Intervention Environment: Let us Help

Recovery Care Partner specializes in drug addiction intervention and that includes helping families and friends find the best addiction intervention environment. Contact Recovery Care Partner today for our addiction intervention services as well as the post-recovery services we offer to help people continue along a productive and fulfilling path.


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