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Finding and Using Online Rehab Directories

Whether it’s for you or someone you know, looking for help with rehabilitation has become substantially easier since the advent of the internet. Instead of looking through phone books for different phone numbers, one can simply Google something like “addiction intervention services in VA” and find over a hundred and fifty eight million results. While its become easier to find these services, it has become a little harder to know which you can trust.

To combat this, various online rehab directories have popped up which can provide a more detailed insight into these rehab providers. Not only do they provide more information than one would find in a phone book, but some also have ratings, reviews, and testimonials, meaning you can find one which sounds right for you. As with anything on the internet, there are good ones, and there are those which haven’t been updated since the early 2000s.

Read on to learn more about finding and using online rehab directories.

Outlining Details Before Seeking Help

The first thing that needs to be considered prior to actually seeking help is the exact nature of the addiction. Whether it’s you or someone else, there are a few questions which rehab clinics will ask, so knowing them beforehand can help. These questions may include:

  • What substance/s have you/they been using? How much? How often?
  • Are you/they feeling depressed, anxious, suicidal, or do they have any other mental conditions?
  • What is my/their insurance/financial situation like?


Different substances will require different kinds of rehabilitation, with opiates being the prime example of this. Being honest about which substances you/they have been using will help the rehab in getting you off them. Lying about this won’t help anybody, and in most cases one will be quickly determined during blood tests.

Mental Conditions

Most rehab clinics now recognize that addiction is generally due to feeling anxious, depressed, suicidal, or in an attempt to deal with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Now known as dual diagnosis, most addicts will be treated for their mental conditions alongside their addiction treatment.

Insurance / Financial Situation

As the health system in America is still privatized, one’s financial or insurance system is of the utmost importance when looking for rehabilitation. If you’re in a tight financial situation, there are services which can aid you in getting the help that you need. Click here to find free rehabs near you. Although if you can afford to go to a paid clinic we recommend doing so, as they will provide a more comfortable experience.

Is an Intervention Necessary?

This is more relevant if the addict in question isn’t you, as organizing an intervention for yourself may be difficult. Thankfully, addiction intervention services in VA and across the US have become more affordable and accessible in recent years. Be sure to find an intervention specialist to ensure that it has the desired effect, as a poorly planned intervention can end up exacerbating the problem.

Finding Directories

Finding a rehab directory online can be as simple as a google search, although that may not yield the best results. Here are some of the better online rehab directories we’ve found.


Help.org boasts the most extensive collection of health data on the web, and they utilize this data in such a way to help the average person. Like Psychology Today, they provide a lot of resources and information about addiction to try and empower individuals to start helping themselves. Check out this great article about choosing the right kind of rehab, it also outlines the rehab process which can be relieving for those concerned about it.


The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is another concise directory which also shares information in the form of “Public Messages”. As they are a government organization, some may prefer this route as opposed to going with privately-owned directories. Read this article to learn about the correlation between mental illness and substance use in children.

Addiction Intervention Services in VA

If you’re looking for a rehab clinic or addiction intervention services in VA , then look no further than Recovery Care Partner. We have helped countless people help find their path to recovery, and all it takes is that first step to change everything for the better. Call us today.

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