Finding a Sober Companion in Your Journey to Recovery

sober companion

Where do I find sober companions?

When it comes time to seek addiction treatment, it is important to have the support of others. If you are a recent seeker of sobriety, then it may be challenging to find a sober companion. There are many different sober companion services available to help you in your recovery.

1. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

Your local Alcoholics Anonymous is a great place to find supportive individuals. Sponsors are usually those that came to AA with an alcohol problem but overcame it. These companions can be invaluable to the recovery process because they have been there and can thus relate to the most common problems and struggles that others are now experiencing.

2. Immersing in Healthy Activities

One of the hardest aspects of overcoming addiction is changing your entire lifestyle. Instead of hanging out and meeting people at the bar, you need to find other places to socialize and meet others so you don’t experience feelings of isolation. Community centers are a great place to meet people.

3. Hire a Professional

Transitioning from a treatment center back into a regular lifestyle has its challenges. For many people, this is the critical point where they are at the greatest chance for a relapse. Hiring a professional sober companion is a good option for many. This person is with you throughout the day and can help you with day to day activities and listen to you when you need to talk.

Choosing Your Sober Companion

Man helping friend up hill

Recovery Care Partner is dedicated to providing you with sober companion services that will help you adapt to a healthier lifestyle. We carefully screen our employees to make sure they have the experience and skills to help you on your orientation back into a normal and healthy life.

Taking the First Step

Recovery Care Partner is here for you every step of the way. We are experienced with hosting interventions on your terms, so if you have a loved one or friend that needs help, we can guide you and them towards a good choice for long-term health and satisfaction through sober coaching.

Sober Companion Services Offer Privacy

Many people do not get the help they need because they are worried about privacy. Sober companions are a good solution because they come to you. Contact us today to find the sober companion and addiction education services that can offer you the support you or your loved one needs to be healthy once again.

For any questions about our sober companion services, contact Recovery Care Partner today at 855-727-2887.